Lee Rudd
Abstract Data for our programs are stored in various formats. The most commonly used format is in the form of a database since databases are not dependent on a single program or hardware platform. These databases are stored in five structures of hierarchical, network, relational, multidimensional, and object-oriented. Hierarchical structure organizes data in a one to many relationship. The network goes of the hierarchical structure by organizing data in a many to many relationship. The relational structure organizes the data in tables and allows the end user to determine the relationship at run time. Multidimensional takes the relational structures concept and uses multi dimensions to organize the data. Object-oriented structure has not only the attributes of the entity, but also contain the operations that can be performed on it.
Keywords: Database, Relational, Hierarchical, Network, Multidimensional, Object-oriented. There are many ways to store and access data. One of these ways is using a data base. A database is an integrated collection of logically related data elements that are organized into a common pool of data elements (O 'Brien & Marakas, 2011). These elements are stored in such a way that they are not dependent on any one program or any piece of hardware. Thus allows data to be shared easily between programs. A database uses a database management system or DBMS that use one of five specific data structure that allows the end user access to the data in the database. The five data structures are hierarchical, network, relational, object-oriented, and multidimensional. The first databases used the hierarchical data structure to store and gather the data. This structure the data relations are stored in a tree like records are dependent and arranged in multilevel with one root record and various subordinate levels. Any data element in the database can be found by starting at the root record and
References: O 'Brien, J. A., & Marakas, G. M. (2011). Management information systems. (10th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.