States. In the days following this terrible event, the country united and tried to understand, working through the emotion was the focus of many Americans. This included looking to the President for guidance. President Bush delivered a couple of speeches immediately following the attacks. One on the evening of 9/11 and from ground zero, New York, a couple of days later; these speeches did improve the morale, not to mention it improved the ratings of the president. However, the speech he delivered on 20 September 2001 changed the United States and the world forever. This speech, given to a joint session of Congress and televised across the US and the world, laid the groundwork for changing many different policies in the United States. This speech is the topic of the following discussion. President George W.
Bush, not known for his eloquent speaking, delivered a speech to the American people and the members of congress that would almost single-handedly get him reelected in 2004. The American people, including the congress, were eager for information and a direction to move the country past this terrible attack, which left the country frozen for a short period. Therefore, with the help of his advisors and a group of speechwriters, President Bush was able to accomplish something most believed him incapable of, delivering a message that was articulate and on target to get his agenda started, which consisted of returning America to a confident position. To understand the impact of this speech, one must also understand the deliverer. President Bush was not doing well in the beginning of his presidency and many questioned his worth. His education or at least his speaking ability was on constant attack. His agenda met much resistance due to the extremely tight victory, he achieved over Al Gore and a 50/50 Senate (Springer and Parker, 121). His ratings were about 55% but the economy was not doing well even with a couple of successes in the Congress, overall you could say he was treading water in his first year (Spring and Parker, 121). Knowing the audience and the speaker of this terribly important speech is only the beginning to understand the impact and influence of this historic …show more content…
document. President Bush’s speech answered several questions the American people were asking following 9/11.
The country was scared; it would be an understatement to say the United States was in fear and shock. Through this speech, the President was able to reassure, the American citizens and the people around the world, justice would be served and the United States would always stand strong (Bush). This speech was delivered to a joint congress and broadcast across the world to ensure the message was heard loud and clear that the individuals behind the terrorist event known as 9/11 would not go without
justice. President Bush systematically approached this speech to ensure a few outcomes went his way. First, he announced to the world the state of the union, he declared through a few examples that the state of the union was strong (Bush). This was an important step in calming the American people. The country was attempting to move forward through many groups of people praying together and in acts of patriotism (Spring and Parker, 122), but there was an eerie feeling across the country. This speech was broadcast in 80 million homes and several newspapers printed the entire speech, including the New York Times, the following day (Spring and Parker, 122). It brought an assurance to the American people that the Union was strong and that the citizens of this great country are strong and would prevail. He keyed on the American spirit, willingness to rise up and overcome adversity, to be brought out in full force (Spring and Parker, 123). Propping up the American people was a key element in calming the masses and holding their attention to convey the true message of his speech. Following this stroking of the American ego, President Bush quickly moved into how justice was going to be served. This of course was the information Americans really wanted to hear. How are we going to respond to such an attack? He simply stated serving justice was going to happen, whether they were brought to justice or we had to bring justice to them (Bush). Following this, he of course had to stroke the leaders of the country and other nations to hold their attention and willingness to help. All of this was of course to get to the main theme for leaders here and abroad. President Bush made a great argument that was about good vs. evil, with no middle ground.