Abstract We choose a paper that discuss about the implementation of project management in PERTAMINA OEP PRABUMULIH, including the steps that is conduct in this company regarding the implementation of project management. Later in this paper, we will discuss the action that this company takes, both in overcoming the problem that it faced regarding the project management itself and the standardized steps required in conducting project management. Moreover the paper that we discussed, is discussing the attempt to increase the oil and gas production based on proteleum engineering standards, that is known as Production enhancement, in PERTAMINA OEP PRABUMULIH, that supported by a good and integrated project management.
Brief summary and problem statement within the paper PERTAMINA OEP PRABUMULIH has 32 active structures and 20 non active structures (including potentials structure that has not been developed yet). Within the structures that still active, there are only 3 structures that classified into new structures (new discovery), the rest of them is matured structures. Problem that are faced especially for the old structures are: 1. The completeness of data and data management which are not at a good level yet. 2. Ratio between the numbers of engineers and the structures that are handled is not feasible enough. 3. Support from the supporting function which is not optimal yet.
Analysis and problem solving based on the case In order to give solutions for those problems that mentioned above, especially in maintaining and developing those large numbers of projects with all of the constraints exist, the company conducting planning and strategy for a good and integrated project management. In sequence the steps are including planning, implementation, and evaluation of the project. These steps are provided in project management that (based on the definition) is the application