Teaching English in Indonesia is still being a big challenge for Indonesian Teacher. It is the real impact of the way to face the globalization era. Indonesia, as a developing country, is forced to prepare itself to face the new era in all sectors including its manpower through education. In this situation, English, as an international language, has a very important role as a tool of communication to relate all nations in the world. So, as the participant in the era, Indonesian should master English as the way to make a corporation with other nations. It is not a choice, but a must.
Based on its important role, English has been being taught in every school all over Indonesia starting from Elementary School to High School including The University. In this case, a Teacher has a very significant role to introduce English to the students until consult them to master it. Surely, it is not an easy job for an English Teacher to do it. It is needed a pure intention with a systematic plan to teach. The teacher also should have a qualification in teaching such as a compatible educational degree, mastering his subject, and being able to apply some methods and approaches based on the students’ needs.
English has four skills namely reading, writing, speaking and listening. Each skills has its own way to teach. Most of students consider that Listening is more difficult than the other skills. It is proven while the researcher was doing teaching practice (PPL) in SMP Somba Opu, Gowa. The reason is because it is very rarely for them to listen an English speech moreover from the native speaker. Lack of experience like in grammar, particular expressions, and pronunciation become the other reasons of their disability in Listening.
Emmert (1994) said that in listening class, students should not only listen, but also study the pronunciation, word choice sentence organization and the unfamiliar words which can support the other skills and improve listening skill and
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