One of the most important amendments is the first amendment which protects our political freedom. This amendment makes sure that the government cannot censor the press and individuals from making statements about political values and events. The government can also not make laws censoring political discussion. This amendment is very important because without it, we would not be able to say what we want. For example, if you did not like a specific candidate, but the government did, you nor the press could say anything bad about them. This amendment is also important because it allows you to have your own political views. If a government believed in one …show more content…
It should be left alone because we already have the ability to add things to the Bill of Rights and the current amendments are very well defined and just. If we amended the Bill of Rights, if the people who had warped ideas of justice could change the Bill of Rights and ruin some of our freedoms. Another reason is that the current Bill of Rights already has a good amount of rights. The Bill of Rights has a lot of rights, and most of them are very clear about what they mean. There is not any need for more rights, since the citizens already have all the rights they