Table 1 on the next page presents the data of the level of quality of the improvised shuttlecock gunner as an instructional material in terms of durability, firmness, stability, and safeness with the average weighted mean and descriptive equivalent.
Table 1
Level of Quality of the Improvised Shuttlecock Gunner as an Instructional Material in terms of Durability, Firmness, Stability, and Safeness
Quality WM DE
1. Can perform its required function over a long period of time 4.06 VG
2. The good condition of the equipment is easy to maintain 3.98 VG …show more content…
The highest weighted mean under durability in question number 1 – Can perform its required function over a long period of time, got the highest weighted mean of 4.06 and its descriptive equivalent is “very good”. In question number 4 – Fire and dust resistant, got the lowest weighted mean of 3.72 which have the descriptive equivalent of “very …show more content…
But the fire and dust resistant can still affect the durability of the instructional material.
The data gathered describes the level of quality of the improvised shuttlecock gunner under firmness in question number 1 – The materials used are compact, got the highest weighted mean of 4.50 that have a descriptive equivalent of “excellent”. In question number 3 – Have a strong base and foundation, got the lowest weighted mean of 4.18 that have a descriptive equivalent of “very good”.
It shows that the firmness of the improvised shuttlecock gunner is not subject to change, it is fixed and definite.
The data gathered under stability in question number 2 – It has a fixed heavy material to maintain the steadiness of the equipment, got the highest weighted mean of 3.98 with an equivalent description of “very good”. In question number 1 – Cannot be moved easily while in action, got the lowest weighted mean of 3.82 corresponds to “very good” in equivalent descriptive.
The data shows that the steadiness has the ability to be steady or securely and immovably fixed in place. The materials used are heavy enough to maintain the steadiness of the instructional materials and to avoid any movements during the conducted