Impulse Control Disorders are the repeated inability to resist doing something harmful to oneself or others. People of both sexes and all races can have ICDs. However, women are more likely to suffer Kleptomania. Men experience pyromania more that women do. All these disorders appear in Children and Adolescents. Behavioral and cognitive therapy is usually the first approach. Some medications are tried but results to pharmaceutical therapies are not guaranteed. However, most of the time the illegal behaiviors result in Jail Time (Williams 4,5). Here's a case stude of an impulse control disorder,
"Nine-year-old Jessica liked to make a wish every time one of her eyelashes fell out. It was a family custom. She started pulling her eyelashes out on purpose, so she could make more wishes. When all her eyelashes were gone, she started on eyebrows. Her mother became worried about her hair loss and took her to a doctor, the doctor suggested therapy which Jessica refused she stopped hair pulling a few month later. Two years later, she started pulling hair from her head. When she returned from summer camp, her mother was shocked to see that she ws completely bald. Therapy and medication did not help. Finally, Jessica refused any more treatment a wore a wig. After repeated harassment she stopped the habit once again. When