The osprey is a large sea eagle. 'It was a large bird, brown and grey, its head covered by a canvas' (page 62) the beak is its canvas it protects itself from predators. This bird was hurt by another pair of hands which belonged to 'a ranger found him further up the island and brought him to me. "Damaged wing. Shot gun it looks like."' (page 62) The osprey took a long time to recover for it to be set free again. Joy, Justine, Maddie and Skip were all looking after the bird and waiting patiently for it to recover 'the osprey is making real progress now isn't he, Jus?' (page 103). Joy, Justine, Maddie and Carl were at the beach when they thought the osprey was ready to be set free 'with a sight restored at last, the bird jerked its head sideways to look at Carl and Joy as though it was asking, is it true, am I free?' (page 158) they opened the cage for the bird to be free so it can spread its wings again.
Carl Matt is the main character of this book. He is a 15 year old boy. He is a very large boy, 'he might have brought his hands to his stomach to stop the title wave.' (page 161) Carl is very shy with a low self-esteem. He would always walk around everywhere with his head down as if he was hiding under a canvas hood, but the only reason he keeps his head down and stays out of things is because he has been hurt by other people. One of the driving questions in the novel is what happened to Carl's mum, because Carl feels abandoned. Other people hurt him as well. Carl also has to deal with the 'curse of the Matts'. Beryl is one of the main people who hurts Carl, "I keep on hearing something that Beryl said who would love you if your own mother doesn't" (page 230) Towards the end of the story, thanks