If I have to choose which character I admired the most it would be Detective Ryan. He has been through so much that I don’t think I can even handle it through my whole life. The first thing that I admired him is when he was a little kid he lost his two friends and he was the only who survived. “… a policeman with a torch found Adam Ryan in a densely wooded area near the center of the wood, standing with his back and palms pressed against a large oak tree. His fingernails were digging into the trunk so deeply that they had broken off in the wood.” (p. 5) I am really impressed that he didn’t run away when the policeman called. But I am super surprised that when people were calling for his name he didn’t yell out. If I were him I would screamed for my dear life to tell them that I’m here. But I also understand that Adam Ryan might not want to make any noise just in case the killer is close or chased after him. But I’m glad he grew up to be
If I have to choose which character I admired the most it would be Detective Ryan. He has been through so much that I don’t think I can even handle it through my whole life. The first thing that I admired him is when he was a little kid he lost his two friends and he was the only who survived. “… a policeman with a torch found Adam Ryan in a densely wooded area near the center of the wood, standing with his back and palms pressed against a large oak tree. His fingernails were digging into the trunk so deeply that they had broken off in the wood.” (p. 5) I am really impressed that he didn’t run away when the policeman called. But I am super surprised that when people were calling for his name he didn’t yell out. If I were him I would screamed for my dear life to tell them that I’m here. But I also understand that Adam Ryan might not want to make any noise just in case the killer is close or chased after him. But I’m glad he grew up to be