There are also natural inclined planes. For example skiing- the downhill plane is natural. Also to get to the top of mountains, construction crews use inclined planes to build roads around mountains instead of straight up. Then we could gradually get up the mountain with less effort.
Some inclined planes are in unusual places like when you walk up and down the stairs, it is an inclined plane. It is also the most often used. Bathtubs are another example because the sides of the tub have built in planes so water can slide down easily in a certain direction. Skateboarders perform tricks on inclined planes so they could gain more speed when jumping.
When you push something up the ramp, it would go up gradually. You would also use less effort than just lifting the load up. If the plane is steep, you are also using more effort than if it was lowered. If the plane is at a steep angle a greater force is needed to move the load than if the plane is only tilted a little. However, work also has to be done to overcome the frictional forces between the load and the plane, which are lowered as the angle of the plane lowers as well.
Many simple devices could work together. A roller coaster uses an inclined plane, wheels, wedges, screws, levers and pulleys. Many things today are made from many
Bibliography: Armentrout, Patricia. Simple Devices: The Inclined Plane. Florida: The Rourke Press, Inc. 1997)- Glover, David. Simple Machines: Ramps and Wedges. Illinois: 2006 Heinemann Library a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. 1997)