I am a strong believer of inclusive learning and teaching, as inclusive teaching refers to the creation of a learning environment which provides all students, regardless of their background and ability, with the opportunity to fulfil their own learning potential and support other students who may wish to learn from them.…
However, problems with my grammar and use of conversational language had developed in my 2nd assignment thus for this Assignment, I have gone to CASE to get my work checked and get advice on using academic terms to gain confidence in getting above 70% in the language, presentation and structure sections. Additionally, in terms of analysis, I was focused on the key points or had to combine two points which helped me to evaluate the points enabling me to come to a judgment. Finally, I started my assignment fairly early which I found the assignment easier to conduct giving me capability in gathering research materials of different time periods to the fairly recent articles in providing me a wide scope of the organisation and hence helped me to get a balance of each side as well as had given me time to go to CASE for help, therefore, I believe I will improve my grades for this assignment by following the strategies…
As you may have noted from your readings this week, there are various perspectives on inclusion and if this is the right approach for all students. Based on what you know about inclusion at this point in the course, do you agree or disagree with inclusion? Explain your rationale and support your assertions with evidence from the readings and your own experiences.…
College students choose shift from minority language to language to majority because of social identity and expanded networks. Identity is the fact of being who or what a person or thing is. Many bilinguals feel pressured from the wider society to speak English. Stigma and prestige are factors that lead to social identity. Several have stopped speaking Spanish because they are afraid of being laughed at. From my personal experience with speaking Spanish here at Western is that we can learn from the people around us. There is not one language that works in every situation but there is a special bond between people who speak similar and share speech patterns. Speech is part of who we are, and bilingual students should be able to speak both equally.…
Inclusive practice is about providing the support that people want in order to live their lives as fully as possible.…
When writing documents and using tones I tend to be sarcastic with my words. It’s not being two be rude or disrespectful, it is just the way I talk and carry myself. That is why I want to learn as much as I can from this class so I can change the way I talk and write papers. I want to use a professional tone in my writing and speech. The main part of this paper is to ensure that I will know that I will be able to write a successful paper using all the important options available. What I have learned in the past was that when writing papers is to always make sure to answer the question and to gain the reader’s attention with the first one or two sentences given. With the audience being my teacher the tone should be formal because it should be something that will make her want to read the paper. If you are just putting words on a piece of paper then turn it in, it is just something that was done within the last five minutes. The content should be focused on understanding what you want to accomplish and learn from this class.…
(Review of Lawrence Blum, “I’m Not a Racist, But…”: The Moral Quandary of Race (Ithaca;…
‘Equality is about creating a fairer society, where everyone can participate and has the opportunity to fulfill their potential’ (London deanery, 2012).Equality does not mean that everyone has to be treated the same. People have different needs and ambitions, every person should have equality of opportunity. Promoting equality should remove discrimination in all of the areas of bullying, harassment or victimization.…
Weather there is a nexus or not may not be the question that needs to be asked here, more importantly is there a cultural punishment in the real world of life and how we speak when we go into a job interview, or the professional world in general? In the world of business if you speak slang you are thought to be uneducated. Speaking an Ebonics is just fine when communicating with those that accustomed to that language, but speaking it to the majority of the rest it does not come across very well, I speak differently when I’m around my friends. There is no race-based issue when it comes to language and the culture of that language, it only becomes race-based discrimination if the teacher is unwilling to accept the language the student is using…
When I first took this class I knew of sexism and the problems it takes on people and the same with racism and I never thought it about it in much detail. Thinking back on my life I realized how big a role sexism had on me without even knowing it, especially being a blonde, athletic girl. Just in those three descriptions of me there are many different stereotypes I was held too. Discrimination like these two are sneaky when you don’t recognize it, especially as kids. We aren’t born with these traits of sexism and racism we are taught and observe these in our everyday lives. My parents were big on “be and do whatever you want to do” but society had a different route for me, one that limits my abilities. This class has taught me many things to be aware of and below are just a few things I will take with me forever.…
Equality is treating people fairly and making sure that everyone is given a fair chance and that their individual needs are met. It’s about giving all sections of the community equal access to employment, education and other services that are provided whilst valuing and respecting them. Recognising that different sections of the community require specific measures to make sure they receive equality. Recognising how and why some groups are underrepresented and knowing what to do about it. Taking positive action to assist individuals where this is appropriate.…
Language is the method of human communication, either spoken or written, consisting of the use of words in a structured and conventional way. It has been proved that some types of language can harm people. Bias-Language occurs with gender but can also offend groups of people based on sexual orientation ethnicity, political interest, or race. To remedy the harm, politically correct language was started. It's supporting or relating to broad social, political and educational change; it's also, especially, to redress historical injustices in matters such as race, class, gender and sexual orientation.Politically Correct Language is not the solution to prevent the stereotypes that bias-language creates which can cause harm.…
"The entire English language was created by slaveowners as a means of oppression. You can't just say that one word is a racist code word or another. The whole language, every single word, letter and apostrophe in it is racist. It's a fact..." said Congressman Jim Clyburn back in 2013. Could it be true, That the English we all learned to speak, the language that lets us communicate amongst ourselves, is racist? What if the English language is racist? How could a language possibly be racist? With color symbolism, loaded words and passive tense. The English language might just be racist after all.…
Being able to communicate effectively and get the point you are trying to convey to your audience can be challenging at almost any given time. There are six major barriers that may interfere with your ability to communicate effectively with your audience in business communication. Clichés, jargon, slang, sexist and racist language, euphemisms, and doublespeak are all barriers that will effect your business communication and will affect your message from being received. Once you have lost someone by saying any of the above the rest of your message will not be received.…
How would you like to be called names or even beat up because of you skin colour, religion, ethnicity, or beliefs? Imagine walking into a classroom everyone laughing at you, talking about you behind your back because of your race. Imagine not getting hired for a work because of you race. Imagine playing sport everyone singing negative chants about your race. Well this is happening everyday all around the world. But first let’s describe Racism. Racism is the discrimination of a person because of the race that they have inherited. Racism is very ugly. It divides people into ‘us’ to ‘them’ depending on there culture etc. its an extremely serious issue that faces society today yet people still think its cool to tease and even beat up a person because of their accent, because they aren’t good at something, their skin colour, their religion and culture. Being racist to someone can create negative and dangerous emotional responses. It does not only lead to social problems but racism also harms the victims but also to others. In most cases it causes the victim to feel depressed, angry, helpless and sad and then in severe cases in can escalate to suicidal. And the sad thing is in most severe cases suicides are usually carried out by very young teenagers. That’s a young teenager’s with their whole life ahead of them loss because a couple of people cant accept that they are a little different from them culturally, traditionally or even religiously? A common question that is asked from people all around the world is ‘If racism has such negative affects on people, then why are people racist?’ Many reasons come into my mind but the main reasons why I think people are racist is because they can’t accept people that are different from them, Another reason is unfamiliarity. Unfamiliarity can also lead to people to be racist. A lot of the times people say what they don’t understand. If people don’t grow up around a particular race and are told stereotypical things…