Sarah Brecht 19/18/15
Raising the minimum wage overall to fifteen dollars an hour would cause a significant impact on modern society and its future, overall it would either boost or deplete our economy. It would bring about significant changes and different socio cultural and social class standards.
But in the light of the fact that most americans in 2015 with no degree in New York state make up 29.6% of our poverty levels, 15.6% with high school education, 11.3% with associates, and 5.4% with a bachelor's or higher are either employed or unemployed and in poverty. With that in mind I believe that raising the overall minimum wage will bring an incentive to become employed. As well as those working mediocre jobs such as fast food chains, waiters, cashiers, and even that pizza delivery boy will bring about better income, therefore can spend more and keep the economy moving. …show more content…
And although clearly business’ and the government will raise prices for goods, tips and deliveries, people will be making more so it will eventually even itself out and not become severely expensive. Middle class and poverty level households, will be able to make six dollars and twenty five cents more an hour, assuming it's a forty hour full time job at minimum wage they would make six hundred dollars week. They would be making nearly double to that of New York state's current minimum wage level of eight dollars and seventy five cents an hour at forty hours a week. Largest of all changes it seems would be living standards, those living in poverty could afford better housing and better