Currently, I mentor two athletes and I pass-on a lot of what I have learned in my sport psychology classes in my 2nd undergraduate work at Auburn and here at UWS. I have a high school baseball player (currently in the state championship playoffs) and a friend who is focused on playing softball in the 2020 Olympics with Mexico’s women’s softball team. Both are growth-minded athletes in a fixed mindset environment where sport psychology is not considered. However, they are both thirsty for knowledge about the mental side of baseball/softball in order to grow, improve through effort, and have the tools to face any situation with confidence and the ability to succeed. Both have intuitively used mental training tools and skills, but didn’t know they were real or normal. If anything, I have helped them learn that sport psychology is real. We are all currently reading (in my limited spare time) “Mental Toughness: baseball’s winning edge”by Karl & John Kuehl and Casey tefertiller and “Heads-up Baseball” written by Dr. Ken Ravizza and Tom Hanson. This journal article and my review will be sent to both of these athletes for their review and to supplement their reading. Due to their environments, the Growth Hitting System will most likely not be an option for full implementation. However, this article can be used as a means of reinforcing the growth-mindset and how …show more content…
My search strategy only changed slightly. Instead of searching the Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, I only searched the Journal of Sport Psychology in Action. In addition, I searched with a filter that allowed me to only see the articles that I had access to with my AASP membership. For that search, I had two things on my mind. The development of goal setting and baseball. My priority was goal setting so I didn’t use the keyword baseball at all. I just searched “development of goal-setting”. The 5th or so article that I skimmed was this one that I just reviewed. I was a little worried at first because it was not technically an experiment type research article. However, it did report on the development of a theory through practical application to the sport I was wanted to research regarding goal-setting and it has practical application to my current situation with the athletes that I mentor. where I have a high school baseball player who routinely talks to me and another friends in Arizona who is focused on playing softball in the 2020 Olympics with Mexico’s women’s softball team. I’ve currently reading (in my limited spare time) “Mental Toughness: baseball’s winning edge”by Karl & John Kuehl and Casey tefertiller and “Heads-up Baseball” written by Dr. Ken Ravizza and Tom Hanson. This journal article and my review will be sent to both of these athletes for their