
Independence In Romeo And Juliet

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Independence In Romeo And Juliet
Equal rights and independence are very important to women today. In shakespares literature or the famous play Romeo and Juliet that takes place in verona, Italy on 16:th century women have no rights and depend on the men. However Juliet is strongly going against these societal norms she goes agains her father’s will, she goes after Romeo no matter what comes in her way and she takes bold actions that are very wreckless, which demonstrate that she is a feminist for her time.

You don’t get very much information aboout Juliets relationships with her parents. But from the play you can sence a feeling that it is stict and strained, the love is very distant. The nurse that basically raised Juliet feels more like a mother to her, she is closer with the nurse and she can easily open up to her. in Act 4 of the play lady capulet informs juliet that she is going to marry Paris in two weeks. The man her father thinks is just right for her. Ofcourse Juliet has no choise but to marry him because thats what the norms where, that the fathers of te house dictate what the women should do. Juliet declines their will, and tells them that she will not get married to paris. At the time where Juliet allready
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Many girls in Juliets possition would stop there and just marry Paris.But Juliet still doesnt give up. She doesnt want to marry Paris and therefor goes to Friar Lawrance. Where he comes up with a plan for Juiet how to escape the wedding. He wll give her a vial to drink that would put her to sleep and shell appear as dead. And while she is asleep Friar Lawrence would wright a letter to Romeo about the plan so they can escape together when Juliet wakes up. Allthrough this plan is totally crazy she is willing to go against many norms and rules of how the society needed to be those days. And goes alng with the plan. All these things just to be with her beloved

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