A sizeable but manageable population
Are endowed with unity, political cohesion and stability.
Structured their national economic orders which are productive and competitive.
Trained manpower resources and high level of technological capacities.
High levels of defense or possession of nuclear and missile weaponisation 1
Ten years from now, the people of India will be more numerous, better educated, healthier and more prosperous than at any other time in our long history. Having eradicated the scourge of famine that plagued the country for centuries, we still confront the challenging tasks of providing a nutritious diet to all our children, educating our teeming masses, abolishing epidemic diseases and creating employment opportunities for all our citizens.
The single most important implication of India’s rapid population growth during the second half of the twentieth century was the threat it posed to national food security. That threat reached dangerous proportions in the mid-1960s, leading to the launching of the Green Revolution, achievement of food self-sufficiency, and subsequently, a growing stock of surplus food grains by the mid-1970s. Happily, such a threat no longer exists for the country. Growth of food production has exceeded population growth for each of the past three decades.
Reasons for food security
Reduction in calorie intake due to sedentary life style. Transport facilities and communication tech. has reduced the amount of physical work
Diversification of the Indian diet to include a larger intake of fruits, vegetables, dairy products, sugar, oil and pulses, eggs, fish and meat products, thereby reducing the required intake of calories from cereals.
There is enormous scope for accelerating growth in agriculture, through improved soil and pest management, diversification into higher value crops and more efficient use of irrigation systems. Which serves both the economic intrests as well as provides