ISSN – 2229-5674
Dr.Mu.Subrahmanian, Professor, Department of Management Sciences, Velammal Engineering College, Chennai, India
ABSTRACT The research was started with the objective to “Study the buying behavior of Women in the city of Chennai”. The research was carried out with the view to analyze the buying behavior of women with respect to the age, marital status, occupation, professional status factors, etc. to identify the decision maker and the influencer for the purchase made by the women. With the set of objectives in mind, a structured – undisguised questionnaire was administered for a sample of 200 women from the few distinct geographical areas of the Chennai city. With the help of the data collected the results were analyzed, tabulated, and interpreted. The inferences were drawn out with the help of the help of statistical analytical tools. From the findings few recommendable suggestions have been opined for the marketers and manufacturers to realize, understand and recognize Women as a lucrative consumer segment and start developing concepts and create products that are women centric, which would reap high growth potentials. Keywords: New Indian Women, Consumer, Shopping Behaviour, Shopping malls, Purchase Pattern, Satisfaction, Marketers, Purchase drive, Buying behavior, Electronic Gadgets, Apparels and Automobile
■ Internationally Indexed Journal ■ ■ Vol–II , Issue -1 January 2011 ■
Indian Journal of Commerce & Management Studies
ISSN – 2229-5674
INTRODUCTION For the first time, perhaps, the entire economic world is tilting in favor of the fairer sex. Leaving aside the social implications, the economic implications are hard to ignore for any business entity. Today’s woman is no longer confined to the role of a ‘homemaker’. Now she is the ‘chief purchase officer’, controlling 85% of all purchase