Management Research Project on
“Indian Money Market & It’s Trend Analysis”
Acknowledgement ………………………………………………….3
Abstract ..................................………..…………………………….4
Objective …………………………………………………………….5
Understanding Money Market……………………………………….7 Money Market Instruments
Government securities.…………………………………………….8
Liquidity Adjustment Facility………………………………………11
T-Bills ………………………………………………………………13
Government Dated Securities………………………………………21
Call and Notice Money Market……………………………………23
Certificate of Deposits ……………………………………………29
Commercial Paper………………………………………………..…33
Collaterized Borrowing and Lending Obligations ….……………..38
Trend Analysis
Repo Transaction ……………………………………………………47
Reverse Repo Transaction ………………………………………….48
91 and 182 Day T-Bill ………………………………………………49
364 Day T- Bill ……………………………………………………...50
CD and CP ……………………………………………………………51
Call Money…………………………………………………………….52
References …………………………………………………………….53
The success of any project is the result of hard work & endeavor of not one but many people and this project is no different.
I take this opportunity to express my profound and sincere gratitude to Mrs. Monika Kaura (Faculty member) for his inputs and feedback in developing this project. His guidance, continued support, constructive criticism and suggestions helped invaluably in shaping the form and content of this report.
I also acknowledge and thank with deep sense of gratitude, the staff of Research Analyst for their constant support and invaluable suggestions right from the conception to the design and completion of the project.
Without the co-operation of the above personnel’s it would not have been possible for me to complete my research report. Their help and support could not be framed in to words but be defined as an inspiration that guided me all along the course of my project.
I am also thankful to all the person who helped me directly or indirectly in every possible way
References: The Features of the Revised Liquidity Adjustment Facility Scheme 1 Tenor-Repo Tenor- Reverse Repo 7 days fixed rate repo conducted daily (1 day repo from November 1, 2004)1 day overnight fixed rate Reverse Repo on week days only 3 Participants Scheduled commercial banks (excluding RRBs) and Primary dealers having current account and SGL account with RBI 4 Repo Rate 4.50% (Monetary Policy review-October, 2004 raised the Repo rate to 4.75%) @