Indiana Jones, “part-time” renowned archeologist during the day and a treasure hunter at night. Indiana Jones duality represents underlining the inner struggle within a person to become a hero yet remain existent in the social norms, while maintaining characteristic of modern American social ideals such as stereotypes and identifying American as the “good guy”. While Indiana Jones is shaped around the “anti-hero” ideal that has become prominent in modern American culture, it sustains the early change found in the era of the modern anti-hero while maintaining some of the foundational American elements exhibited in heroes of the
Indiana Jones, “part-time” renowned archeologist during the day and a treasure hunter at night. Indiana Jones duality represents underlining the inner struggle within a person to become a hero yet remain existent in the social norms, while maintaining characteristic of modern American social ideals such as stereotypes and identifying American as the “good guy”. While Indiana Jones is shaped around the “anti-hero” ideal that has become prominent in modern American culture, it sustains the early change found in the era of the modern anti-hero while maintaining some of the foundational American elements exhibited in heroes of the