References: Bennett, A., (2011 May 18) Aboriginal disadvantages ‘still prevalent’. The Age p.1 Retrieved from: Carson, B., Dunbar, T., Chenhall, R. D., & Bailie, R., (2007) Social determinants of Indigenous Health N.S.W, Australia: Menzies School of Health Research. Gordon, C., (1980) Power/Knowledge Selected Interviews and Other writings 1972-1977 (Eds.) Britain, England: The Harvester Press, Limited. Holmes, D., Hughes, K., & Julian, R., (2007) Australian Sociology A Changing Society NSW Australia: Pearson Education Australia. Jonas, W., (2002 August 31) Recognising Aboriginal sovereignty - implications for the treaty process Retrieved from: Http:// Kivisto, P., (2003) Social Theory Roots and Branches (2nd ed.) Los Angeles, USA: Roxbury Korff, J., (2002) Creative Spirits Indigenous Australian Aboriginal Culture and Timeline. Retrieved from: Http:// Packham, B., (2012 February 15) More work needed to meet targets to close the gap on Protest group went too far. (2012 January 31) Northern Territory News p.1. Retrieved from: Http:// Ranzijn, R., McConnochie, K., & Nolan, W., (2009) Psychology and Indigenous Australians Foundations of Culture Competence South Yarra, Australia: Palgrave Macmillan. Sardar, Z., & Bhabha, H.K., (2008) Fanon black skin White Mask (ed.) London, UK: Pluto Press. The Australian Bureau of Statistics. Retrieved from: Http:// Wilson, L., (2011 August, 26) Gillard holds hope for change on indigenous disadvantages The
References: Bennett, A., (2011 May 18) Aboriginal disadvantages ‘still prevalent’. The Age p.1 Retrieved from: Carson, B., Dunbar, T., Chenhall, R. D., & Bailie, R., (2007) Social determinants of Indigenous Health N.S.W, Australia: Menzies School of Health Research. Gordon, C., (1980) Power/Knowledge Selected Interviews and Other writings 1972-1977 (Eds.) Britain, England: The Harvester Press, Limited. Holmes, D., Hughes, K., & Julian, R., (2007) Australian Sociology A Changing Society NSW Australia: Pearson Education Australia. Jonas, W., (2002 August 31) Recognising Aboriginal sovereignty - implications for the treaty process Retrieved from: Http:// Kivisto, P., (2003) Social Theory Roots and Branches (2nd ed.) Los Angeles, USA: Roxbury Korff, J., (2002) Creative Spirits Indigenous Australian Aboriginal Culture and Timeline. Retrieved from: Http:// Packham, B., (2012 February 15) More work needed to meet targets to close the gap on Protest group went too far. (2012 January 31) Northern Territory News p.1. Retrieved from: Http:// Ranzijn, R., McConnochie, K., & Nolan, W., (2009) Psychology and Indigenous Australians Foundations of Culture Competence South Yarra, Australia: Palgrave Macmillan. Sardar, Z., & Bhabha, H.K., (2008) Fanon black skin White Mask (ed.) London, UK: Pluto Press. The Australian Bureau of Statistics. Retrieved from: Http:// Wilson, L., (2011 August, 26) Gillard holds hope for change on indigenous disadvantages The