The farmers are of the opinion that the price of these fruits sometimes fluctuates on certain days depending on the demand of the fruits and also it depends on the quality and quantity of the fruits as well. Some farmers save some of the income generated from the sale of indigenous fruits and others uses some used it to cover the day …show more content…
for Sohiong, the demand is highest during the last week of August/ beginning of September, Sohshang during March-April and Sohphie during March-April. The supply is also affected depending on how fast the fruit ripe.Apart from selling, the indigenous fruits are consumed at home and given as gifts to the relatives and neighbours.
5.3.6 Problems encountered by the farmers in selling Indigenous fruits
The main problems faced by the farmers in selling Indigenous fruits is that they cannot fetch a high price in selling the fruits, presence of pest and insects destroys the quality of the fruits especially in the case of Sohshang fruit, Storage, Transportation and Weather conditions especially during rainy days and also if there is less taxi.
5.3.7 Overcoming Obstacles/problem
Farmer’s pitch that they just pray and rely on the weather and carry on the business as it is a natural thing which is beyond their control. In addition to this, they still have another business/occupation to rely on.
5.3.8 Suggestion for improvement by the …show more content…
5.4 Intervention study on packaging to promote sales
5.4.1 Master/Overall data on the Maximum Retail Price (MRP), number of Sohiong fruits distributed and sold in batches to 5 departmental stores
The Master table showing the Maximum Retail Price (MRP), number of Sohiong fruits distributed and sold in batches to 5 departmental stores is presented in Table 5.39
Table 5.39: Overall number of Sohiong fruits distributed and sold with MRP in batches to 5 departmental store
Batch Departmental
PACKED LOOSE No. of Fruits
Distributed No. of Fruits
Sold MRP
(Rs 30 & Rs 20) No. of Fruits
Distributed No. of Fruits
Sold MRP
Rs 20 & Rs 10)