Rapid, volatile, discontinuous change has become an integral part of today’s business environment. They are abrupt and unforeseen events that create a shift in the business operations. Many authors argue based on resource based view that the traditional strategies based on alignment of value chain activities will not work in a rapid changing atmosphere. There is a close relation between strategic management process and rapid discontinuous change. The rapid discontinuous change is one of the most important factors to be taken in to account during the strategic management process that involves planning, execution and evaluation.
A rational or a formal model of strategic management can be used to analyse the role, impact and limitations of strategies and changes in the organization. Internal analysis can be done to understand the organisational strengths and weaknesses and external analysis to identify the opportunities and threats in the market. . A Strategic alignment model can be used to analyse the integration between organisational and technology views.
A Standard model of organisational change management can be used to manage change. The biggest challenge in managing discontinuous change is the transition process. The transition in to new environment should be done with minimal human and organisational cost. Strategies such as product differentiation, brand differentiation and continuous innovation can be used in a highly volatile market environment. Though many companies like Samsung have been successful by being proactive and having the right strategy in place. Companies such as Nokia have been unsuccessful as they failed to accept and respond to changes in the environment.
Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u 1. Introduction PAGEREF _Toc400068851 \h 12. Rapid, Volatile and Discontinuous Change PAGEREF _Toc400068852 \h 13. Discontinuous Change and Strategic Management Process PAGEREF _Toc400068853 \h 24. Managing Discontinuous Change
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