
Indulgences In The Catholic Church During The 15th Century

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Indulgences In The Catholic Church During The 15th Century
The Catholic Church during the 15th century was loosing power and respect. Many people wanted to keep that power and would do whatever it took to accomplish that goal. However, some churchgoers did not believe extreme measures would need to be taken in order to regain the Church's reputation and respect it had. The idea of indulgences came to John Tetzel’s mind, which ended up becoming the new way for people to be forgiven by God. Indulgences were only one piece of paper, and in some people’s eyes were the unfit solution to people’s moral sins. People would buy indulgences to cleanse themselves from sin, or for one of their loved ones who had died recently so they could immediately go to Heaven and not have to suffer through Purgatory. In other …show more content…
On November 10, 1483 a legend who would change the Church forever was born. Martin Luther himself also believed in indulgences, but only at the beginning. When he was in his early thirties Luther began to have doubts about the theological basis for much of the daily practices the Catholic Church would perform. Luther wondered if all of the Catholic leaders decisions, laws and propositions could be justified. Luther composed a piece of work called The 95 Theses that was basically a list of statements and questions that were going against the Church’s present or past decisions, mainly focusing on indulgences in the present. Indulgences were a main focus in The 95 Theses and were a byproduct from the Crusades in the 12th and 13th centuries. Martin Luther’s 95 Theses and his opinionated remarks about indulgences were the main cause of the Reformation that occurred in Europe and would forever impact both the Church, and the people’s views and opinions of the Church …show more content…
Many people fell for the Church’s “cry for power” when really these indulgences were only a way for the Church to make more power and gain more power than they had before. John Tetzel, the mastermind of indulgences, protested, “Don’t you hear the voices of your dead parents and other relatives crying out, “Have mercy on us, for we suffer great punishment and pain. From this, you could release us with a few alms...We have created you, fed you, cared for you and left you our temporal goods. Why do you treat us so cruelly and leave us to suffer in the flames, when it takes only a little to save us?” (Background to Against the Sale of Indulgences) The Church was lying to their people only to make more money and become more powerful than the power, or government, already established in that area. God really was not going to forgiven of all their moral sins that way. The correct way to receive forgiveness and cleaseness of moral sin was to go to Confession or Reconciliation as told in the Bible. This was only one of the things that upset Luther the most. God’s people forgot what he had instructed and informed them to do when facing guilt of moral sin, and instead went the “easier” route and paid the Church money for forgiveness instead of earning

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