What is housekeeping?
Efficient production and a good working environment are complementary. The elimination of inefficiencies and accident hazards caused by unfavourable conditions in and about the workplace is essential in getting the job done properly and safely. The attention to these important details which may be overlooked when management’s attention is concentrated upon such amenities as good cloakrooms, canteens, rest rooms, recreational facilities, etc. is widely referred to as “good housekeeping”. Good housekeeping involves every phase of industrial operations and should apply throughout the entire premises, indoors and out. It is more than mere cleanliness. It requires orderly conditions, the avoidance of congestion, and attention to such details as an orderly layout of the whole workplace, the marking of aisles, adequate storage arrangements, and maintenance. Industrial Housekeeping Industrial housekeeping a place for everything and everything in its place "; it must mean more than painting aisle ways and sweeping the aisles. To me, it is that indefinable reaction when making -an inspection, that here is a plant, well organized, well kept, and on its toes in plant hygiene. For a plant to create this reaction on a trained observer involves a great deal of planned effort and some expenditure by management, and this cannot be accomplished either casually or in a day or two.
Scope of Industrial house keeping
Scope of Industrial housekeeping includes supervision of sanitary facilities, locker rooms, and the attendant problems of proper water supplies and sewage disposal systems, in addition to the usual cleaning and sweeping operations.
Elements of Good Housekeeping
1. Men and machines should be so placed as to provide the easiest and most efficient flow of production.
2. Operations should be so located that the health hazards, possibly associated with one will not imperil workers on another task.
3. Structural and
Bibliography: Journals * “A Practical Housekeeping Program for Industry”, Herbert G. Dyktor, American Journal of Public Health. Links * dir.indiamart.com * www.nex-flow.com * www.process-controls.com * www.exair.com