There were many positive things that came out of the industrial revolution. One that will always stick is the transition from farmers to factory workers. People were stuck in a rut of tending crops and watching the grass grow. Nothing changed and not many things were easy-- they were simple, but not easy. Now there were more opportunities to live modernly for more people.
Another positive thing that changed was the government had revised their opinion on education. They provided much more financial aid for schools and had insisted that children learn basic skills for life. However, most families could not afford to have their kid clothed and able to go to school, so this wasn't much of an improvement.
The best outcome of the industrial revolution was all the modern inventions that scientists were motivated to create. Such things were; the light bulb, flu shots, X-Rays, telephones, etc. These inventions made everyday things much easier for centuries to come.
But if you put your hand over the good things, you