The world became aware of rubber and its diverse ability. The demand for rubber skyrocketed and governments and private businesses capitalized on this in the Congo. This was known as The Red Rubber Terror. The villagers in the Congo each had to obtain enough rubber or they were punished, …show more content…
He let private firms do the dirty work by persuading the collective population that he was actually benefiting the Congo as an industrial nation. This proves the inconsistencies in the theory of the individual economic actor. As we have learned, there are always two sides to each transaction. Leopold was able to set the moral narrative because of the mentality of the capitalists that relied on the Congo. People are overwhelmingly allowed to be taken advantage of in a free market system. The resources from the Congo were generally very inelastic and had abundant utility. An increase in quantity demanded and an increase in the demand. Explains the fortune that Leopold was able to make. This perfect combination allowed Leopold and the private sector to increase their returns and minimalize investments by using slave labor. This is a perfect example of how Government can overstep its power and how the lack of government can allow this to happen as well. The private firms were under regulated while Belgian was