mandate to undertake inequality work, this was established by reviewing their vision, mission, goals/objectives or programmatic focus. Annex table 1 provides the protocol used in identifying institutions. In order to establish the existing institutions that do inequality work, there was internet search of world database of international NGO’s- WANGO; national NGO databases as provided by the respective country NGO boards; respective civil society networks and coordination platforms by country level and cluster such for network organization.
Institutions found to be undertaking inequality work were then reviewed in order to establish: their area of focus, funding sources and partners. After a thorough review, a gap and opportunity analysis was done to establish the areas where Oxfam can undertake new inequality work or potential areas of partnership. A partnership SWOT analysis was also done. The desk review was augmented by telephone interviews for institutions already identified to be undertaking inequality work. The heads of organizations were contacted and interviewed, in other cases; experts on inequality were interviewed as directed by the head of organization. A Snowball approach was also used in identifying stakeholders, here the identified stakeholders also provided other institutional contacts that were then interviewed.