Inequality can be defined as a Disproportionate share of recourses throughout society, including wealth, education and in some countries health care.
Within City Road we see many different forms of inequality, from economic inequality to inequalities referring to people’s attitudes and perceptions. For example in (The Open University 2014) The people using the food bank are doing so out of necessity, the lack of economic recourses that they have available to them, restricts the choices they are able to make, from the food they are given to the choices of how they live their lives. Where as, the people using the farmers market are doing so out of choice and feel it’s a way of life they choose to support.
Difference on the other hand refers to the differences between people from physical and behavioural to differences in age, gender, race and ethnicity For example in (The Open University 2014) we meet Janet and Anna both proprietors of business’s on City Road, but both different in age and ethnicity, Janet is a slightly older Afro- Caribbean lady and Anna is a young woman of Eastern European origin, we also met John Cooksley a young white male who is an employee of the Mackintosh centre, these three people have very obvious differences, from their age and gender to ethnicity. Difference can be seen all over society, it does not always become an inequality. For example if Janet came across prejudice because she is of different origin then this would become an inequality.
Word count 250