INF 103
August 5, 2013
Week 3 Assignment 2
Question 1: Social networks allow people to connect for a variety of reasons in a digital environment. You might join LinkedIn to meet business contacts, MySpace to find a band member, or Facebook to see pictures of old friends and meet new ones. Whatever environment you decide to be a part of, posting information about you has become an issue of concern. What are those concerns? I mean what is the big deal about privacy? As stated in our text these are some of the most popular destinations on the net. We share photos and information all across the world. When my family was stationed in Japan and all of my family was in Georgia this is the way we kept in touch with each other. However, these same social networks can be detrimental to us. For example throughout the last few years I have seen people arrested for what they have posted on their Facebook page. I have seen families and marriages destroyed based on social media. We must be careful of the things we do and say they come back to haunt you. I also feel as though you don’t really have the privacy that you think you have. There is no way to be completely anonymous online.
Question 2 The founder of Wikipedia has a noble mission – to share all the world’s information with everyone everywhere, anytime. In what ways has this mission been successful? In what ways has it not been successful?
Wikipedia has been a successful source of information.Wikipedia does have a wealth of knowledge. I have used it a lot to find facts about different people, places, and books. It is a convenient way to look up information. It is a temporary solution to research. However when you are doing research Wikipedia is not a credible source nor is it recommended by professors. Anyone can post material on Wikipedia as stated in the disclaimer. So this information does not necessarily have to be the most accurate. This information could be old the facts may not