the harsh cold world that is around us when we are born. For example, when a mother gives birth her child enters this world with no beliefs or problems with society that baby is fresh and new. But what if when we are adults and we could remember that horrifying moment when we left our mother womb when everything we knew disappeared. How could we become successful and form our own beliefs if we could remember everything about where we can from and what our parents taught us. Infantile amnesia is a blessing in disguise it allows us parents to make mistakes and to help our child form their own minds and ideas.
Fetal alcohol disorders are a group of birth defects that take place when a birth mom drinks alcohol while pregnant.
There are many manifestations that take place when a child is born with fetal alcohol syndrome some of these include growth retardation, facial defects, and central nervous problems. In my opinion, Fetal alcohol syndrome is the most severe type of the disorder that a child can be inflected with. As a teacher, we must be aware of the challenges a child can face with this disease so that we can better understand and adjust to help us provide what the child needs. There are many developmental problems that take place in this disease some of which include hyperactivity, impaired language skills and even delayed motor skills all of which can affect a child at home and at