Parasitic disease – A ameba in infection caused by a parasitic. An organism that lives inside or on a host.
Zoonotic disease – an infection or infectious agent transmissible under normal conditions from vertebrate animals to humans
2. The three elements of the epidemiologic triangle are Agent, host, and environment. The triangle it provided framework for organizing the casualty of some other health outcomes such as those associated with the environment.
3. A person can protect themselves from infections and deadly diseases by having a high immunity system. However, if you are taking immunosuppressant drugs your body will not be able to fight off infections as was as someone with a very passive immunity system. Someone who has active immunity will have an artificial immune system where the antigens can protect them from such diseases like small pox. Now with heard immunity your body is resistant I’m not really sure how that will help protect you against infectious disease. Unless you have sick a cell anemia in that case a person cannot develop malaria.
4. Subclinical disease are important because they will always be around. These diseases are genetic and there are no know cures just treatments. It is important to epidemiologic study because there are so many other causes for them than genetics.
6. Vectors are an animate, living insect or animal that is involved with the transmission of disease agents. Sexually transmitted diseases, waterborne disease, and food borne. Sexually Gonococcal infections, Water borne Typhoid fever, and Food borne Listeria Monocytogenes
9.infectious disease are investigated by Clinical observation, then potting on a epidemic curve, next is the point source