Alex was never tested for being under the influence but he was charged with possession. Luckily for him he was only seventeen so he was charged as a minor and it wasn't as big as a punishment as it would have been for the other drivers in the truck. Although he did lose his license until he was twenty one. That wasn't as bad as what he had to go through with his parents. He was basically grounded until he went to college and not allowed to do anything. That was the scariest moment of my life. From this I learned that I would never drink and drive again or let any of my friends drink and drive. One night I went to a party with a couple of friends and I almost got into a fist fight with my best friend because he tried to drive home while intoxicated. He insisted that he was ok to drive and that he wasn't going to let anyone drive him home.
"Dave it's alright I'm able to drive