How is searching in a specific database, such as Ashford’s library, different from searching in Bing, Google, or Yahoo?
The Ashford University Online Library is a proprietary database which can only be accessed by students and faculty. The AU Online Library provides more credible and scholarly information, but may be limited. While, The AU Online Library catalogs and periodical indexes always indicate the publication date in the bibliographic citation. Other Internet sites may cause you to ask yourself questions, such as, when was the source published? Or if it is a website, when was it last updated? The Information on the Internet was created for many purposes (to inform, to persuade, to sell, to present a viewpoint, and to create or change an attitude or belief). A search through the Internet using search engines such as Bing, Google or Yahoo will give you lots of information but the task is making sense of it there by evaluating its authority and appropriateness for your research is left up to you, the researcher to determine whether it suits your needs.
The founder of Wikipedia has a noble mission – to share the entire world’s information with everyone everywhere, anytime. In what ways has this mission been successful? In what ways has it not been successful?
A quotation of Jimmy Wales (the founder of Wikipedia) "Imagine a world in which every single person on the planet is given free access to the sum of all human knowledge. That’s what we’re doing" (2004). Because anyone can edit it, there are so many different fields of knowledge that can become part of the encyclopedia; it is very useful for getting a quick compendium of information. I personally us Wikipedia as a jump off point for research but I do not use it as a source because, while anyone can review and edit Wikipedia, any review only takes place after whatever changes one makes are published to Wikipedia. Overall, I think that the founder’s mission has been
References: Lorenz, C (Nov.2007) SLATE The Death of E-Mail Retrieved from ComScore, Inc. (Jan. 2011) Email Evolution Retrieved from Miller, Rob "Roblimo" (July 28, 2004). Slashdot. "Wikipedia Founder Jimmy Wales Responds". Retrieved from