MANAGEMENT autumn 2013
This instruction sheet describes a case about an imaginary company, its employees and their work. The aim of this assignment is to understand the information flows of the company, the various attributes of knowledge (types and levels) and the importance of information and knowledge in business. Please do consider this assignment from the
Information and knowledge management viewpoint!
Case Orvar
Orvar Group is a Finnish Public limited company. The Group is one of the leading companies in the food industry in the Nordic Countries. In addition to its Finnish production plant, Orvar also processes food in Sweden, Norway and Denmark. The
Group altogether employs over 7,000 people in four countries. Orvar Finland is Orvar
Group’s subsidiary company, which attends to domestic markets. Orvar Finland has only one production plant in Southern Finland where it has approximately 500 employees. This case concentrates on the operation of Orvar Finland.
Orvar’s core activity is food processing. Subcontractors supply the raw materials which are then processed in Orvar’s production plants. Food products are first sold to big wholesalers, who deliver products to the grocery stores, where consumers buy them.
The goal of the company is to respond to customer demand without having a large amount of products in stock. Managing different kinds of information and knowledge is important for succeeding in reaching this goal. It is important to manage information flows both internally (within the company) and externally (to the interest groups).
Picture 1 - Information flows in Orvar Finland
Picture 1 represents the information flows inside the company. It describes the communication between the parties that are important for this assignment (Picture 1 is an example, not a complete description of the situation). There are three operation levels in the company: top