a) What does Commercial Fixtures do? What is their competitive position in the market place?
CFI manufactures custom-engineered fluorescent lighting fixtures used for commercial and institutional applications
Strive on designing products that are specific to the customer’s/lighting
Goals in the company are to find the right product for the customer’s particular needs and build a relationship with the customers
Their prices aren’t as sensitive as other commonplace lighting fixtures.
b) As a third party under the same conditions (i.e. with the same information), what would you bid for the entire company (both halves)? Why?
c) What do you expect Albert Evans to bid for Gordon’s half interest? Why?
d) What should Gordon Whitlock bid for Albert’s half interest? Why
Notes on Case:
Whitlocks are more team oriented…Allens are more controlling and like to do things their own way
Gordon Whitlock; CFI President
1975Joined CFI as a salesperson
1979learned about other parts of company…first work assignments in manufacturing and sales service
Became sales manager
1982became company president
Albert Evans
PersonalityAggressive, likes to do things his own way, hard to get along with
1976joined CFI as a salesperson
1980joined father in manufacturing area
Became manufacturing manager
Jonathan Whitlock & Julius Lacy formed CFI in 1955. Whitlock did finance while Lacy did sales and design.
Subcontracted all manufacturing for systems they sold
Brought in Paul Evans (was sheet metal subcontractor at the time)
Whitlock was treasurer & Evans was President
Whitlock retained a few shares more than half (because of experience with Lacy)
Whitlock had heart attack in 1978 and withdrew from management
Paul’s chief aside could not work with three younger managers…so he had to leave. Paul became so angry that he rarely entered the plant again