* To understand the importance of information systems for business professionals * To identify five areas of information systems knowledge business professionals need. * To illustrate how the business applications of information systems can support firm’s business processes, managerial decision-making, and strategies for competitive advantage. * To provide examples of several types of information system from experiences with business organizations in the real world. * To identify several challenges that a business manager might face in managing the successful and ethical development and use of information technology in a business. * To understand the importance and application of informational technology in different departments of business. * To identify the different ways of using information technology in different departments of business.
Information technology is a wide field, and has enabled organizations across the world to work in an efficient manner. It plays a very important role in effective management and running of a business. The use of information technology in organizations is inevitable, be it any type of company like manufacturing or medicinal sector. It has contributed largely to the process advancements in organizations.
Basic Elements of Information Technology
Software and Applications
Software is an important part of information technology which relates to computer applications that enable a company to generate, store, program, and retrieve data as and when needed. There are many software’s developed for different purposes. All operations in the business sector are carried out by software that is assigned for executing specific tasks. Without these computer applications the businesses wouldn't have been able to carry out their functions in a proper and efficient manner. Operating systems, ERPs, special purpose applications, and web browsers are some examples of different software’s.