More and more people are playing football and like to hit hard.”Not all people who suffer a concussions will lose consciousness.About 9-10 with concussions,symptoms disappear within 7 to 10 days”(Preventing Football Injuries).Currently this problem is the same.”Some signs when u think or when someone else thinks you have a concussion are headache,dizziness,nausea,loss of balance, drowsiness, numbness/tingling, difficulty concentrating and blurry vision”(NFL Concussions Fast Facts). If someone would hit someone hard and get a concussion and they get hit hard they wouldn't want to hit so hard next time.This problem would go down if people would be more careful. The first way to not get a heat injury is to not play so hard or don't wear too much clothing outside when it is really hot.Not all people get a heat injury.”As we perspire we lose necessary body fluids.If we do not replace these fluids we become dehydrated this makes it difficult to sweat and cool down which can result in a heat injury”(heat injury and heat exhaustion). People get them because they just want to have fun.Today people get them because and they dont
More and more people are playing football and like to hit hard.”Not all people who suffer a concussions will lose consciousness.About 9-10 with concussions,symptoms disappear within 7 to 10 days”(Preventing Football Injuries).Currently this problem is the same.”Some signs when u think or when someone else thinks you have a concussion are headache,dizziness,nausea,loss of balance, drowsiness, numbness/tingling, difficulty concentrating and blurry vision”(NFL Concussions Fast Facts). If someone would hit someone hard and get a concussion and they get hit hard they wouldn't want to hit so hard next time.This problem would go down if people would be more careful. The first way to not get a heat injury is to not play so hard or don't wear too much clothing outside when it is really hot.Not all people get a heat injury.”As we perspire we lose necessary body fluids.If we do not replace these fluids we become dehydrated this makes it difficult to sweat and cool down which can result in a heat injury”(heat injury and heat exhaustion). People get them because they just want to have fun.Today people get them because and they dont