Let’s start off with defining what dog food allergies are “referred to as food hypersensitivities or adverse food reactions, are abnormal immune responses to something in a dog's diet (PetWave).” Around ten percent of allergens in dogs amount of actual food allergies. Flea bites being the third most common causes of allergies. “The entire process of a pet being sensitized to a particular agent in food and the complicated antibody response that occurs in the intestinal tract in pets with food allergies are not very well understood (Fosters).” The earliest …show more content…
Poorly digestible proteins also can cause food allergies (PetWave).” Another food that can cause a flare up is rabbit it’s not as common. Although it is actually common for dogs to be allergic to more than one ingredient. When it comes to your dog’s genetics it can actually already be predisposed to having allergies. No matter what the breed is.
On the other hand, certain breeds are actually known to have more allergies due to their genetic makeup. It is suggested to be wary when giving young animals antibiotics due to that it could cause them to develop problems with their gut later in life. When it comes to the difference between food allergies and intolerances, there is a difference. A food allergy if a “true allergy” that has signs of itching and skin problems. As for a food intolerance it can result in diarrhea or vomiting and does not show signs of