Pagans, like the Celtics, were people who worshipped natural spirits and were not a part of any formal religion. At this time Christians believed that all the natural forces that were worshipped by the pagans were actually evil demonic beings. When Christianity rose, missionaries were sent out to “save” thousands of pagan souls across Europe and turn them into Christians. Many of the missionaries realized that the pagan cultural traditions, such as Samhain, were so deeply instilled and was difficult to wipe out. The Christians ended up twisting some of these traditions and sanctifying them in order to appeal to the pagans. By the 8th century, Pope Gregory the third turned Samhain into a day of the church. November 1st was declared as All Saints Day also known as All Hallows Day. All Hallows eve is where the name we know today, Halloween is derived from. There were still many pagans who would carry on the beliefs of Samhain, dressing in the costumes and putting out the offerings for the souls of the dead but now under the name of Halloween instead of
Pagans, like the Celtics, were people who worshipped natural spirits and were not a part of any formal religion. At this time Christians believed that all the natural forces that were worshipped by the pagans were actually evil demonic beings. When Christianity rose, missionaries were sent out to “save” thousands of pagan souls across Europe and turn them into Christians. Many of the missionaries realized that the pagan cultural traditions, such as Samhain, were so deeply instilled and was difficult to wipe out. The Christians ended up twisting some of these traditions and sanctifying them in order to appeal to the pagans. By the 8th century, Pope Gregory the third turned Samhain into a day of the church. November 1st was declared as All Saints Day also known as All Hallows Day. All Hallows eve is where the name we know today, Halloween is derived from. There were still many pagans who would carry on the beliefs of Samhain, dressing in the costumes and putting out the offerings for the souls of the dead but now under the name of Halloween instead of