For instance, I can make edits and not have a clue of what I’m talking about. My edits will be published and someone might go behind me and believe what is posted. Facts can be misleading, have a lot of missing points, or they can post what they want people to know instead of posting raw material. But most times, when people think information is bogus, they do their research someone where else. On the contrary, Wikipedia eliminates the constant publication of actual encyclopedia’s. Books are starting to go out of style. We now have the option to use the internet or purchase one device that could download hundreds of books. Wikipedia is a website that is free of charge to use, but accepts donations, and information is relatively easy to find. Most times when we use the search engine to find information, Wikipedia normally comes up first. Unfortunately, we can’t use that site as a credible source even if the article seems appropriate. Popular articles such as the biography of Martin Luther King Jr. may contain credible information because it’s scrutinized by devoted correctors. Although there are a lot of advantages and disadvantages to Wikipedia, dedicated editors try their best to assure that the information that is published is accurate.
Because of Wikipedia, people conduct research differently. Wikipedia has millions of articles and is used on the daily basis. Fact-finding can be based