A few Nobel Peace Prize winners that everyone should recognize are those such as the Dali Lama, Mother Theresa, Martin Luther King Jr., and Nelson Mandela. How such historical, remarkable, icons share the Peace Prize with our 44th President of the United …show more content…
The 85 people killed in the Chemical attacks was not evidence enough for Mr. Hinnrich? Oh, that's right, it was Russia, again...It seems that Russia is the most powerful Country in the World. They can launch Chemical attacks against Syria, making it look like it was themselves, they can fix our election, and find time to collude with our President.
Some Democrats and Liberals have also turned all of this back to allowing refugee's from Syria to hide out in Europe and the U.S., stating that if we really want to help we would not have an immigration ban in place, or try to.
Europe has seen extensively, as of late, how this is not a good idea. In fact, the day after Trump launched Tomahawks at Syria, another terrorist drove a stolen truck into a crowd of people. So the terrorist attacks on the U.S. are what needs to happen instead?
Maybe we should give the Nobel Peace Prize to Mr. Hinnrich as well. It seems it is now just handed out to whomever. If Obama holds the same regard as Mother Theresa and the Dali Lama, then why not Mr. Hinnrich?