General Purpose: To Inform
Specific Purpose: To inform about our body health and fitness
Living a healthier life can not only extend your life, it can also improve the quality. Feeling physically better and having control over your own life can greatly increase your mental health as well. Although there are some aspects of physical and mental health that are beyond an individual's (and science's) control, there are many things that people can do to improve their quality of life.
Preview of Main Points:
1. First, I will discuss about A Nutritionist's Tips for Healthy Living * WATER - Adequate water can actually reverse arthrosclerosis (hardening of the arteries due to plaque build-up). It seems that water can actually flush the arteries of plaque. * BREAKFAST - Breakfast should include at least four grams of fibre, which in turn reduces cholesterol and fat in the blood. Every 10 gr. of cereal fibre reduces the risk of heart disease and diabetes by 30 per cent!
2. Second, I will discuss about Accept Your Body and Learn to Have a Positive Self Image * Because thin females and muscular males are seen as the ideal in our society and because we have come to believe that body size and shape are totally under a person's control, most people enter diet and exercise programs with unrealistic goals and expectations. If you continually strive to achieve a socially imposed ideal, you will never be free of your insecurities or your self-consciousness. You must truly realize and then learn to accept that we are not all meant to be fashion-model size.
3. Finally, I will discuss about why is Exercise Important? * Improves Stamina
When you exercise, your body uses energy to keep going. Aerobic exercise involves continuous and rhythmic physical motion, such as walking and bicycling. It improves your stamina by training your body to become more efficient and use less energy for the same amount of