Ok , let’s get started on our investigation of find a suitable study technique for yourself. There are many study technique in this world but you have to find the most suitable technique that suit you very well. Study group is one of the technique. Study group is a small group of people who regularly meet to discuss shared fields of study. It has a lot of benefit. You can share your ideas and thoughts about learning. You may become more committed in your study because the entire group members are depending on your presentation and participation. Other then that , the group member will listen and discuss information and concept during the study session. This will increase the auditory skill in learning and your focus when study. It also can help student memorizing the information effectively. The second technique is study by your own self. This technique is for those people who love study in a quite environment. Student can make their own notes and exercises.
Now you understand two suitable study technique for yourself. Let’s continue our investigation how to make an interesting notes. As we all know notes is very important for every student who study to make them more understand about what they learn. I have two kind of interesting note that you can do. First , mind mapping. Why mind mapping? According to the inventor of mind map, Tony Buzan it a