Studying in college is a lot different than in high school. I study by reading a lot more than I ever have and I listen in class to make sure I remember what's been talked about in the lectures. I also type out study guides for all of my classes, which I don't think I ever did in high school until it got to final exam time. It is strange, but I find that I am studying less now that I am in college, but I am studying the more important stuff. I have figured out which information is important in a text book, and which information is just a waste of space in my memory.
My overall study method: My study method is usually an early morning one. My mind is fresh and ready to learn in the morning and I usually don't have classes. I find that I do so much better if I up early and study a little bit of each class every day. It is so important for me to review everything as I go along. It is impossible to do well if I cram it all in last minute. I tried that strategy once, not well!
My test study method: I make outlines, and write out the key terms. I look at my notes sometimes during the weeks before the test. I make sure that I have it all down the night before the test, and the next morning I get up for a 2 hour cram study session to get it fresh in my head for the test that day. It works for me most of the time, but I am not the best test taker in the world, I get too nervous! So I study as hard as I can and that's the best I can do as long as I've tried my best.
My time management secret: Keeping busy! I find that if I have nothing to do on a certain day, I am less likely t get things done. If I have a set schedule and a set place to be, I make sure I have things done in order to get the next project done or go to the next event I have