“The main symptom is a rash that typically appears on the arms and behind the knees, but can also appear anywhere.” Eczema.https://www.google.com/search?safe=strict&biw=1366&bih=637&ei=6MMRWpnKDMbSjAP64LmIAw&q=what+is+eczema&oq=what+is+eczema&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0l10.823492.833416.0.834821. . Some body systems that are affected with eczema is diet, immune system, and the integumentary system. People can also have rashes, sensitive skin, itching, and redness. Certain foods can make eczema flare up or more itchy. Some foods can be cow’s milk, eggs, soy products, gluten, nuts, fish, and shellfish. People can get tested to tell which one of those foods can make eczema flare up. “Eczema has been linked to a indifference in the body's immune system. People with eczema have lower levels of a particular cytokine (a protein), which helps their immune system function properly. They also have higher levels of a different cytokine protein that prompts allergic reactions. This imbalance of cytokines is most likely to blame for confusing the immune system and causing it to create the inflammation.” Honor society of nursing. https://www.sharecare.com/health/eczema/how-does-eczema-affect-body . Another body system that in affected is the skin. The skin is the largest organ in the integumentary system. The skin can become more sensitive and have bumps or …show more content…
Eczema can be treated many different ways depending on how bad it is. For mild eczema soaps with no scents or lotions for sensitive skin also with no scent can help. Steroids that the doctor gives you can be to help your skin not to itch and if it is bad the medicine can also help the skin to to be infected. When eczema is infected the skin cracks, bleeds, and in really bad cases pus will ooze out from the infected area. If you itch eczema it can leave scars and blemages. If you have eczema you should never use strong scented lotions or soaps because it will make your skin flare up or itch worse. Doctors can also test to to see if a certain food can make your skin flare up more. Doctors can also give you cream to help with dry skin. When you have eczema it all depends on how bad it is and if it is bad then a doctor can prescribe different things that can help. But certain steroid creams and liquid medicines have side effects. The steroid cream thins your skin and liquid steroid medicine you take orally can make your stomach hurt. Steroids creams and liquids can help you but they also have side effects. People have made a lot of home remedies and they could work depending on the person. Some home remedies are to put bleach in the water when you take a bath because it will dry your skin then you can apply lotion. Another home remedy is you can put epson salt or otmal in the bath water. To help with dry skin you could apply coconut