
Informative Speech On Hypoglycemia

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When you are lacking sufficient carbs, your body will tap into its reserve storage in your liver in order to provide the fuel your body requires. Because of this certain individuals may suffer from a condition referred to as low blood glucose.

Most foods are carbohydrate-rich, and without your knowledge, you may have been putting too much of these foods into your body. Hence, high blood glucose is very common but in certain individuals causes low blood glucose.
You already knew that carbohydrates are a primary energy source to keep your body functioning properly. At times, when you are not getting sufficient carbs, your body will tap into its reserve storage in your liver in order to provide the fuel your body requires.
Hypoglycemia is a medical
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Hypoglycemia can happen to non-diabetics for a numerous reasons. These include:
Skipped Meals
Missed meals are discouraged because they cause blood sugar levels to drop as there is no glucose supply at all. So, you should eat regular meals that contain carbohydrates and protein to provide slow glucose absorption and release. When you are on the go, simply keep snacks handy.
Excessive Alcohol Consumption
Excessive alcohol intake can cause an hypoglycemia reaction up to 2 days later and can be fatal, too. The act of breaking down alcohol can result in your liver’s ability to give rise to your blood glucose.
For metabolic processes, your muscles will consume about 90% of your glucose. Both intense training and poor nutrition can trigger hypoglycemia. It is advisable to eat a banana prior to beginning exercise and sports drinks during the activity as a means to avoid hypoglycemia.
Fasting has been identified as a cause of hypoglycemia due to the absence of carbohydrates to sustain your body throughout the day. In this case, you should opt for complex carbohydrates such as pasta, bread, high-fiber crackers, and cereals while planning for fasting. The reason is that complex carbs can deliver glucose gradually and steadily over a longer period of time to keep you staying active for the entire

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