-The Merriam Webster dictionary states that a cosmetic is a substance such as a cream, lotion, or powder that you put on your face or body to improve your appearance and Makeup is substances (such as lipstick or powder) used to make someone's face look more attractive. You can see how they both go hand in hand.
Makeup has been used throughout history for multiple reasons and not just to beautify. It was used to mark …show more content…
Both men and women of each social class used make-up on their eyes and skin to prevent damage from the harsh winds and sun of the African desert. They found natural minerals in the desert and turned them into mixtures for their make-up.
a. The black eye makeup was made up of galena which was a blue-grey natural mineral form of lead.
b. The Egyptian green eye makeup came from crushed up stones of a copper ore called malachite.
c. The blush color of their cheeks and lips was obtained from a naturally tinted clay called red ochre. The ochre was mined from the ground, washed to separate the sand and then dried in the sun and sometimes burned to enhance the natural color.
d. They produced their own nail polish and hair dye from Henna which is obtained from the leaves and roots of the shrub. They then dried the leaves and mixed it with water to form a paste. Henna was used as a healing plant to cool the skin and to also stain the fingers and toes of the Pharaohs prior to mummification.
4. Ancient Egyptians were also big about their hygiene.
a. Cleanliness was a top priority in Ancient Egypt due to the fleas, parasites, and lice which were found in the hair of the mummies. They had to shave their entire bodies with razors to keep the pests