It is the inflammation of the gums that can lead to tooth loss and damage of the alveolar bone. Periodontal disease is the next stage right after gingivitis if left untreated. The main causes of periodontal disease is the buildup of plaque and calculus due to poor oral hygiene. Kissing someone can worsen it because they are transmitting an estimate of 80 million bacteria in their mouths. According to the Centers for Disease Control, 70% of adults sixty-five years and older have periodontal disease. In addition, the American Dental Hygiene Association estimated that 80% of Americans have gum disease. The earliest sign of gum disease is bleeding gums when brushing your teeth. That indicates that your not brushing properly or not doing it often. In the novel, To Kiss or Not To Kiss, by Mark Bonner, he stated that “ in 99% of periodontitis, there are small unicellular animals (known as amoebae) present which infect two out of three adult mouths.” This unicellular organism feeds off of blood which is the reason why the gums appear red and are sensitive to brushing. They also dig through the gums and cause damage to the alveolar bone. Kissing transfers this blood-sucking bacteria into your oral cavity. The specific name of this parasite is Entamoeba gingivalis. These parasites are found in all infected periodontal pockets and are bigger than white blood …show more content…
The specific name for this bacteria found in the mouth is Treponema Denticola. This bacteria leads to the loosening of a tooth because it damages the periodontal ligaments and it detaches the tooth from the gingiva. Other bacterium associated with periodontal disease include: Campylobacter, Peptostreptococcus, Porphyromonas gingivalis, and Tannerella forsythensis. These pathogens spread and produce cytokines and form a biofilm on the surface of the teeth. All of these bacteria can only be seen through a microscope.
Treatment of periodontal disease can be done at home. Brushing twice a day, flossing, and using mouthwash or toothpaste that contains fluoride can all be preventative measures for periodontal disease. However, Adults aren’t the only ones who can catch it, teens and even children can get it too. It can be from either sharing silverware, drinking from the same cup, or brushing with someone else’s toothbrush. There are many factors that can contribute to periodontal disease because you are passing someone’s salivary bacteria to your oral