I could talk to you this afternoon about the fact that 60 seconds from now someone will be assaulted, 6 minutes from now someone will be forcibly raped, and even 25 minutes from now somebody somewhere in our country will be the victim of murder. I could talk about all those things that we see, hear and read about every day. But the reality is that violence is simply a matter of a deeper emotion and psychological problem. It's that wound that will never heal or seemingly never heal because of the constant overwhelmed feeling that involves suffering and hurting. It continues to contaminate the mind of that wounded person and eventually forces that person into a lifestyle of survival instead of a life of hope for the future.
Through expert opinions and research I will try to paint a picture of what we are up against and what we have to overcome. The continued cycle of violence in our society depends on its emotional and psychosocial impact and then the support structures each person has