Watching somebody murder another person in a film does not consequently turn on the switch within you that you are an executioner. If a person happened to go out and murder somebody as soon as they watched somebody commit a murder in a film, then that person was already a killer prior to seeing the film. Ferguson has done multiple studies on the effects of violent movies on individuals. In one of his studies, he compared the homicide rates from 1920 to 2005 and the violence portrayed in the films during each respective time period. He found that there was no correlation between these two events (Blaszczak-Boxe 1). These studies show that violent impulses are within every individual and movies are no the explanation for our violent …show more content…
This hypothesis about where violence originates from is very true because it originates from an individual’s internal personality. Viciousness develops inside somebody after some time and it is not learned overnight from being exposed to violent actions. We ought to require some investment to look more profound at violent circumstances and comprehend that there might really be a sensible clarification. Society needs to quit faulting violence for things, such as vicious video games and films and rather, understand the main thing to fault is