Brand communication is identified as the right mix of media vehicles that will maximize the brand’s potential to meet the goals like developing awareness, positioning and reminding the brand, its attributes, unique selling propositions and its benefit to the consumers set forth by the brand manager (Davis, 2002; Gupta et al., 2008). Brand communication creates brand image (Rio et al., 2001) and gives the brand a personality by using a constellation of brand associations (Sjodin and Torn, 2006). The better the brand communication the more the awareness perceived value and the intent of purchase (Gupta et al., 2008), which may lead to purchase and satisfaction thus leading to brand loyalty (Wonglorsaichon and Sathainrapabayut, 2008) and brand equity. Brand equity
Brand communication is identified as the right mix of media vehicles that will maximize the brand’s potential to meet the goals like developing awareness, positioning and reminding the brand, its attributes, unique selling propositions and its benefit to the consumers set forth by the brand manager (Davis, 2002; Gupta et al., 2008). Brand communication creates brand image (Rio et al., 2001) and gives the brand a personality by using a constellation of brand associations (Sjodin and Torn, 2006). The better the brand communication the more the awareness perceived value and the intent of purchase (Gupta et al., 2008), which may lead to purchase and satisfaction thus leading to brand loyalty (Wonglorsaichon and Sathainrapabayut, 2008) and brand equity. Brand equity